So, you wanna know why I love Indonesia so much? Well I'll tell you
^.^ in fact there are soo many reasons why I love your country..
Firstly, Indonesian people are so friendly, in Bali, or even in big
cities like Surabaya and Jakarta.. Here in Australia, people are less
friendly, they really don't appreciate things as much as Indonesians
do.. Sometimes here, you could look at a young man the wrong way, and
then he'd say "what are you looking at, idiot".. But in Indonesia, the
people are so friendly..
I’ve talked to people on the street, in
shops, orang yang jual bakso (wkwk), taxi drivers and anyone else!
It makes you feel like they welcome me to their country.. Here, Aussies
aren't like that, they see Asians, Black people or even Muslims, and
they say to themselves "I wish they would go to their own
country!"/"they don't even speak English!".. It's really rude of them,
doesn't make me proud to be Australian.. But, we must remember that
there are a lot of nice people here, that encourage Australia to
become multicultural.. The government supports it to, so in many ways,
I still believe Australia is one of the best places to live on this
earth.. Every country has good and bad things right?
Secondly, why I like Indonesia so much is because it's so rich in
culture and tradition! Bigger cities have less culture, but places
like Bali & Jogja, they have unique Traditions, landmarks and people..
I know there are so many other places in Indonesia that I haven't been
to yet, but are surly very rich in culture, like places in Sumatra,
Kalimantan and also Maluku.
Anyway, Australia is such a new country, the ancient
living aboriginals who lived here have been here for thousands of
years, but the white Australians only came here in 1770! (if I am
correct).. We have no culture, only culture of how white Australians
are unique.. No culture from the past people of this country.. Or no
religious traditions.. But yes, we have Christmas and Easter, but
these days, people forget the meaning of these events..
Ok, lastly why I love Indonesia is because I have met soo many nice
people there! Friends that make you so happy!
I like all my Indonesian friends; I hope I can make much more, and that
the friendships last for life!
Oh yeah! I love Indonesian girls! Semua kan cantik dan lucu sekali!
Wkwk! As you may know, I always
dream of marrying an Indonesian woman, and bringing her to my
country :) wish me the best ok?
Thanks again for reading guys
Joshua Schmidt
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