Well, my first post.. Finally I've made a blog!
Now that I have, I can write about all the things on my mind and maybe explain some things about bule culture to Indonesians..
I have travelled to Indonesia many times, and I've learnt a lot about the rich culture - mainly about the relationship between Bule and Indonesians. It really interests me a lot, and since I am Australian, I am lucky enough to understand both countries & both cultures very well.
Also, I have learnt about the language (Bahasa Indonesia), and I believe that speaking the local language to Indonesians really can earn trust and allows you to have a real understanding of the culture & people. I believe it's much better speaking it yourself instead of using a translator.
So, throughout this blog I will be writing my opinion about anything to do with these countries and the culture, both good and bad things.
Topics including:
- Relationship between Australia & Indonesia
- Religious Culture in Australia & Indonesia
- Relationships between the people of Australia & Indonesia
- Leisure & tourist activities in Indonesia
- "Bule in Bali"
- Indonesia's 'underground' culture
- Australia's opinion on Islam Religion
- Tips on how to find friendly bule friends/girlfriends/boyfriends
- Any a lot more other things!
P.S: For non-Indonesians "Bule = Westerner"
- Joshua Schmidt
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